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How To Choose The Best Roulette Game Online

How To Choose The Best Roulette Game Online

Royal, French, American or European Roulette

What is the best Roulette table?

At it’s core, you can break down Roulette tables by two types, European VS American. On mobile however, European Roulette dominates. In online Roulette, of course, you can find all styles, which is why we’ve written about them all to be as comprehensive as possible.

What's your game? European or American Roulette
What's your game? European or American Roulette

So which should you choose? Personally we prefer European, and for good reasons. French and Royal are also very good, but almost impossible to find on mobile at this time. Don’t despair however, because we are here to say that it’s ok if you can only play on the European version on your mobile; as we’ve mentioned, it’s the best one anyway.

Here we give you all the types of mobile Roulette and our favourite mobile casinos to play them.

But first let’s explain exactly what is roulette?

The game of roulette is a game of chance which involves a spinning wheel with different numbered and coloured sections. A ball is dropped on to the spinning wheel and will come to rest on one of the sections. The aim of the game is for the player to bet the outcome of the spin. In its simplest form which colour or number, the ball will land on.

Now you’ve been a little refreshed lets find the right game for you.

European Roulette VS American Roulette

European Roulette IS Roulette. It’s where the game originated and is the original form of the game. However, because of the variety, and not to confuse things, we will call this ‘European Roulette’.

Top European Roulette Casinos

  1. Leo Vegas
  2. Vera&John
  3. Guts

The American Roulette on the other hand started it’s life as a con, with three ‘zeros’ and only 28 numbers, the house got all your cash every ten spins or so. It was almost impossible for players to walk away with anything other than an empty wallet.

Thank-fully, long gone are the days of the Mississippi river boats stealing your hard earned cash, with the American version of roulette being essentially the same as European, except for one noticeable difference.

This difference is in that all important Zero number, ie. ‘the house takes all‘ number. A European roulette wheel has one, American has two. Without it, it’s unlikely that the game would have grown as it did.

The Main Difference European vs American

European Roulette has one Zero in comparison to it’s American counterpart, which has two.

Though the original game originated in France, the modern version we play is actually closer in form to the changes made in 1843 in the German town of Hamburg.Here they added the ‘zero’ to the 36 numbered wheel we know and love today.

Why is this number important? Because it gave casinos a house edge that made them push this game worldwide.

Before that, the game had no zero number. Today you won’t find a roulette game at an online casino without it.

If there was no zero, the player and the house would break even in the long run. Great for players, but hardly an incentive for casino sites to put this table game on their shop floor.

By adding the zero, they gained a slight advantage, making the game profitable for them, but keeping reasonable odds for the player.

So why is mobile European Roulette a better game?

Because whilst the Europeans added a zero, our American cousins kept two – lowering the player’s edge considerably.

So mathematical, the European Roulette will always give the player a bigger edge on the house and therefore a bigger chance to win.

  • House edge in American Roulette (with double zeros): 5.26%
  • House edge in European Roulette (with a single zero): 2.70%

There is no other difference between the table games any more. But that slightly more favourable percentage can make all the difference to your odds of winning.

Rules to watch for to beat that nasty ‘Zero’

Some mobile casinos offer what is called the “en prison” rule (French for ‘in prison’. Clever hey?). This simply means that if you make an even-money bet, and the ball lands on Zero, you get another ‘life’. So you don’t lose, but your bet is imprisoned in that particular case for the next spin. If you win on the next spin, you get your chips back, if you don’t… it’s game over for another round.

You can play live roulette and online roulette on your mobile at: Leo Vegas Casino »

Our personal favourite however, is the rule where the mobile roulette game gives you half your bet back if the ball lands on zero. The house edge decreases even more on these table games, making them very favourable for players.

If you see these rules whilst playing mobile roulette – you sir, are in luck.

Royal Roulette

Royal Mobile Roulette is another word for a Roulette with a progressive jackpot.

The rules and game play are exactly the same, but if the same number gets hit five times in a row you can win the progressive jackpot on the table. What is a progressive jackpot? Basically, for every bet placed by every player who is playing that one mobile roulette game, a little bit of the bet will go towards a huge and growing pot.

Royal Roulette is just another way of saying ‘with a progressive jackpot’.

Tempting right? Watching those numbers tick, tick, tick on up. It could certainly be you. It could happen.

But if you’ve ever played any kind of Roulette in the past, European or American, online or mobile, you’ll know that the chances of hitting the same number five times in a row are… should we say… slim?

But hey, we buy lottery tickets in the hope of a million dollar jackpot, so why not play our favourite Roulette game whilst hoping for a similar jackpot? At least with Roulette you are also getting the entertainment value.

We’ve yet to find any on mobile, but if we do, we will let you know here on Lucky Mobile Casinos.

French Roulette

Wait – if Roulette originated in France, shouldn’t normal Roulette be French Roulette and European Roulette be German Roulette?

Not really, as French Roulette evolved from the 36 numbers and one zero game. Never waiting to give credit to their German neighbours for making the original game more popular, the French created a variation of the game which is very interesting indeed.

The French Roulette mobile games

This is the most complex variation of the casino table games and should only be entered once you’ve fully understood the odd and game play of the European Roulette.

It essentially has two types of outside bets: dozen and even-money bets (click here to read ‘how to play roulette‘ to understand the terms). You can also call bets, where you can predict the ball’s resting place within the larger betting sections, rather than just specific numbers or colours.

French Roulette is for the connoisseur of the game who want to push the complexity of the odds and spin.

Unfortunately, yet again, this game is lacking in the mobile world. One day, we hope, we will find it on our tablet or smartphones.

If you think you have a good idea of the different types of Roulette casino games you might encounter, the next step is to get a handle on how to play roulette and the basics of the game.

Next up: How To Play Roulette »

Roulette Mobile Casinos

List of all the mobile casinos where you can play mobile Roulette online

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